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What type of fiber is in myfy? Exapand What type of fiber is in myfy? Collapse What type of fiber is in myfy?

The fiber in myfy is soluble wheat fiber and guar fiber – natural prebiotic fiber that’s clear, tasteless, colorless, odorless and easily dissolvable in most foods and beverages.

Is myfy gluten-free? Exapand Is myfy gluten-free? Collapse Is myfy gluten-free?

myfy contains less than 20ppm of gluten and is considered gluten-free, according to the FDA – which defines gluten-free as contained less than 20ppm of gluten. However, those with a gluten intolerance should consult with their health professional before consuming myfy or any product that contains any level of gluten.

What does "prebiotic fiber" mean? Is myfy prebiotic or probiotic? Exapand What does Collapse What does

Prebiotic fiber feeds and nourishes the good bacteria in your gut – probiotics. This allows probiotics to flourish while helping to suppress bad bacteria in your gut as well.

The fiber within myfy is prebiotic fiber – which means it nourishes the probiotic bacteria within your digestive system.

I'm already taking a probiotic. Why do I need prebiotic? Exapand I'm already taking a probiotic. Why do I need prebiotic? Collapse I'm already taking a probiotic. Why do I need prebiotic?

Prebiotics – like the fiber found in myfy – help nourish and support the probiotic bacteria in your gut. In short, prebiotics feed probiotics.

What kind of foods and beverage can I add myfy to? Exapand What kind of foods and beverage can I add myfy to? Collapse What kind of foods and beverage can I add myfy to?

Just about anything! myfy easily blends into all your favorite hot or cold drinks – from coffee and tea to water and juices. It mixes into anything from yogurt and puddings to soups and stews.

You can even bake and cook with it – without adding any taste, color or texture! The only thing myfy isn’t recommended for is carbonated beverages.

Can I cook with myfy? Will it alter the taste or appearance of food? Exapand Can I cook with myfy? Will it alter the taste or appearance of food? Collapse Can I cook with myfy? Will it alter the taste or appearance of food?

Absolutely! Adding myfy to your cooking only adds fiber to your food – and nothing else! myfy dissolves completely without leaving any taste, texture or color behind.

How much fiber should I be getting, anyway? Exapand How much fiber should I be getting, anyway? Collapse How much fiber should I be getting, anyway?

The average adult should be consuming between 25 to 38 grams of fiber (both soluble and insoluble) from their daily diet – but most of us only reach half that amount. Adding myfy to your daily routine helps boost your daily fiber intake and promotes good digestion.

What makes myfy so different? Exapand What makes myfy so different? Collapse What makes myfy so different?

myfy is a blended, natural fiber that dissolves in almost any food or beverage without adding any color, texture, flavor or odor.

Some supplements require multiple doses daily – but myfy helps boost your fiber intake in just one serving, because each sachet is equivalent to 5 grams of soluble fiber. One serving of myfy is often equivalent to two servings of other fiber supplements – making it easier and more convenient to add to your daily routine.


Lorem Ipsum Exapand Lorem Ipsum Collapse Lorem Ipsum

Prebiotic fiber feeds and nourishes the good bacteria in your gut - probiotics. This allows probiotics to flourish while helping to suppress bad bacteria in your gut as well.

The fiber within MyFy is prebiotic fiber - which means it nourishes the probiotic bacteria within your digestive system.

Lorem Ipsum Exapand Lorem Ipsum Collapse Lorem Ipsum

Prebiotic fiber feeds and nourishes the good bacteria in your gut - probiotics. This allows probiotics to flourish while helping to suppress bad bacteria in your gut as well.

The fiber within MyFy is prebiotic fiber - which means it nourishes the probiotic bacteria within your digestive system.

Lorem Ipsum Exapand Lorem Ipsum Collapse Lorem Ipsum

Prebiotic fiber feeds and nourishes the good bacteria in your gut - probiotics. This allows probiotics to flourish while helping to suppress bad bacteria in your gut as well.

The fiber within MyFy is prebiotic fiber - which means it nourishes the probiotic bacteria within your digestive system.